Inside Out: The Relationship between Inner and Outer

In this webinar Gary Friedman and Norman Fischer focus on practices for accessing self during periods of conflict, dealing with discomfort, identifying and working with bias toward parties. Outcomes for participating in this webinar include: Practices for going inside...

I Knew What Would Happen

Humans like to create and tell stories. When a conflict arises, the parties craft their individual stories about what has already happened and what they expect will lead to the end of the conflict. When they engage a conflict professional, their story adapts to...

Intimate Partner Violence and Consensual Dispute Resolution

Domestic violence (DV) is prevalent and gendered. It is a pattern of power and control over a person exercised through manipulation, isolation, coercion/threats, and intimidation. In cases involving DV, mediation does not work and can even be unsafe and harmful. In...


In this interactive webinar, you will learn techniques for communicating more effectively with parties in conflict by uncovering what is really important for them and what is motivating them. The foundation is the Loop of Understanding or, as we term it, “looping.”...

Being an Anti-racist Conflict Professional

The lenses of race, equity and culture have opened widely in the last year. Along with many other people, conflict professionals have turned to books, podcasts, documentaries, workshops and other means of learning about the systemic injustices built into American...

When Lawyers Are in the Room 2

In this webinar we will be demonstrating how to work with lawyers and clients together in the same room. Themes that will be included will be contracting with lawyers about their roles, clarifying how to have conversations about the law that will be constructive for...

Trauma and Conflict

Trauma’s reach is visible and invisible, transitory and ever present, and powerful. Parties in a conflict may have trauma from childhood, from their current lives, and from the conflict itself. In this webinar, we will look at sources of trauma, the impact on parties...

Being Yourself in the Room

  In this webinar we discuss why being yourself and being comfortable with that is so powerful. We also discuss some common misconceptions, misgivings and mistakes that come up for mediators on a regular basis and take your questions about when and how to be yourself...

Parties Understanding Each Other

For mediators, it is a dream to get parties in conflict to appreciate each other in ways they have not done so before. When this process, particularly popular among new mediators, ultimately fails, too often the parties in conflict are siloed and are obliged to...

The “Bully”

One of the disconcerting challenges in mediation is forceful participants and bullying behavior, which often lead to a failure in the mediation process. Sometimes individuals with active or competitive personalities are labeled as bullies, resulting in conflict...