November Notes from Norman

Zen Mind Training:  59 Slogans for Generating Altruism (forthcoming) We take our point of view so much for granted, as if the world were really as we saw it.  But it doesn’t take much analysis to recognize that our way of seeing the world is simply an old unexamined...

November Book of the Month

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are Brené Brown, a researcher on shame and vulnerability, has developed ten ”guideposts” to develop what she calls ”Wholehearted living”—a way of engaging with the world...

October- Notes from Norman

Resting in the openness of mind.  Sometimes it’s called not knowing. Why would we have to know everything all the time? Why do we have to be so knowledgeable, so smart, so in control?  We don’t! There’s no need to figure everything out.  We can just...

October Book of the Month

Divorce Without Court – A Guide to Mediation and Collaborative Divorce by Katherine Stoner. This Nolo Press book is a great resource book for clients, helping parties to understand how they can fully participate in the process at every step of the way, with clear and...

Attribution Error

We have found that there is a recurring dynamic which often exacerbates conflict between individuals.   If this dynamic is understood by the parties, it can help them understand better what is fueling the conflict and make appropriate adjustments.  Commonly referred...

September- Notes from Norman

Zen Mind Training:  59 Slogans for Generating Altruism By Norman Fischer Working manuscript Don’t be One Sided.  This one is very important in human relations, and it runs exactly counter to the usual way we approach things.  Usually we are exactly one sided: there’s...

How is Collaborative Advocacy Different?

How is Collaborative Advocacy Different? When Stu Webb wrote in a letter to his friend and colleague, Judge A. M. (“Sandy”) Keith, on February 14, 1990 , . . . “I have unilaterally declared that I will not go to court in an adversarial matter,” Stu meant, of course,...

September Book of the Month

Book on CD: Taking the War Out of Our Words —Unabridged Version, includes 12 CDs, read by the author By Sharon Strand Ellison This month’s recommended book is actually a CD—actually a book read by the author Sharon Strand Ellison.   This work contains some useful...

August Book of the Month

Buddha’s Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love and Wisdom by Rick Hanson, Ph.D. with Richard Mendius, MD This book examines the intersection of psychology, neurology, and contemplative practice to help us understand how our brains affect our mental...

Denying Difficulty

Denying difficulty, we never learn that difficulty can be creative and fruitful. This national habit of denial of difficulty does not foster a climate in which maturity can grow. It encourages us all to be children for our whole lives, to be self-deceitful and...