July Book of the Month

Book of the Month: Being Wrong By Kathryn Schulz This is a groundbreaking book that deeply analyzes the whole phenomenon of being wrong in a very serious way, from a new field called “Wrongology”.  This is so fundamental to how people deal with conflict...

July Reflections from Norman

Still, no matter how well we know ourselves and how much we achieve a steadiness of character, we are never immune to mistakes. With self-acceptance we know this, and we try to make use of our mistakes, learning from them as best we can. Over time we see how often our...

Tensions in a Team

Whether we are mediating or working in the collaborative process, we are often in relationships with other professionals, either directly or indirectly.  The success of the process will often depend to some extent on our ability to successfully manage the various...

June Book recommendation

Mediating Dangerously:  The Frontiers of Conflict Resolution By Ken Cloke Ken Cloke understands what we think is at the heart of mediation, which is that there is no safe place for the parties or mediator to stand.  When we withdraw to try to find safety, we are...

Reflection from Norman- June 2011

One very effective way to practice with frustration is to make a detailed study of it just at the moment when you find yourself in its grip. Trying not to be frustrated when you are is just piling more frustration on top of your frustration. So why not instead look at...

May Book Recommendation

Sailing Home: Using the Wisdom of the Odyssey to Navigate Life’s Perils and Pitfalls (from Simon and Schuster, June 2008) This is a wonderful book to help us to understand ourselves more deeply, particularly with respect to the arc of the journey of our lifetime,...

Reflections from Norman

Norman Fischer is a poet, author, Zen Buddhist priest and former abbot of the San Francisco Zen Center. As founder of the Everyday Zen Foundation, his work with meditation practice has taken him into many corners of contemporary American life, including lawyering as a...