Tips for Working with Lawyers in Mediation

Appreciate and support the importance of the lawyers protecting their clients. The way mediators see lawyers is often a self fulfilling prophecy. Instead of seeing the lawyers as a problem to begrudgingly deal with or work around, view the lawyers as an important part...

Upcoming programs

Fall 2013 Advanced Program on Contracting, Northern California This advanced training is available to those who have already participated in on our Mediation Intensive Training Programs, and focuses on contracting, the agreement to mediate. We will focus on the...

Structuring the Process

One of the most essential aspects of the Understanding Based Model is to provide an alternative to the coercive process of litigation, judicial decision making, and even other approaches to mediation which rely upon the power of coercion to help move people through...

Dealing with Judgments

To take on the deep challenge that conflict poses means confronting the role and power that “judgment” has in our lives. We say, “our” advisedly here. Because dispute resolution professionals are by no means immune from the grasp of judgment when dealing with...

Moving Toward Greater Understanding

In conflict, most people feel misunderstood, at least by their opposite. The traditional way of resolving differences is through efforts at persuasion rather than understanding.  Even when one wins in court, he or she may feel vindicated but not necessarily...

March Book of the Month

This book focuses on how to find an authentic voice with which to have some of life’s most challenging conversations.  Dr. Lerner focuses on a true expression of self in order to “maximize the chance of being heard” and keeping the connection open even in the face of...

March Reflections From Norman

Norman Quote – Most of us believe suffering is negative, difficult, and to be avoided at all costs.  Suffering breaks our spirit and ruins our life.  So rather than face the suffering we blame others or the world for the unfortunate things that have happened to us. ...