“I was reminded recently that at the beginning of my mediation training with the Center for Understanding in Conflict many years ago, we were asked to complete a form which included a question along the lines: “What do you hope to accomplish from it?”

Being slightly put off by the question, I chose to respond with an answer that I thought was appropriately facetious, something like: “I hope it changes my life.”

As things have turned out, the training contributed substantially to doing precisely that. A few years later, I left the firm at which I had practiced in the conventional manner for the previous 30 years, and began steering my practice toward mediation. Work went from feeling like work to being an incredibly satisfying joy (most of the time). The training – and mediation in general – are largely responsible.”


Richard Abrams, Esq.

Berkman Bottger Newman & Rodd, LLP

New York, New York