Friday November 9, 2012 – Saturday November 10, 2012


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Integrating the law and the participation of lawyers into the mediation process without having the law or lawyers dominate is a significant challenge for mediators.  In this program, we will clarify the role of the law in mediation and teach mediators how to guide parties to their own determination of the weight and relevance of the law to their situation and how lawyers can participate in a way that supports their clients and the mediation process. Participants will learn the following:

•How law can be used to enhance the parties’ understanding and empowerment without having it take over from other reference points for decision-making

•Why to bring in the law and the value of the underlying principles of the law

•How to bring in the law with lawyers in the room and without the lawyers in the room

Faculty: Gary J. Friedman and Catherine Conner

* There is a $50 early registration discount if you register more than 30 days before the program starts!
