Bailey Farms
The Mediation Intensive Training provides both experienced mediators and those new to the field with the perspective and skills necessary to work within the Center’s model of mediation. Participants learn what it takes to shift from a stance of advocacy to one of mediation – for professionals and parties alike. The program is open to attorneys as well as other professionals working to integrate the principles of mediation into their practice or work. Our prior participants have included ombudspeople, collaborative coaches, family business consultants, non-profit staff and other professionals who work with conflict.
- Reaching an agreement to mediate;
- Establishing parties’ responsibility for decisions;
- Working with attorneys and other professionals.
- Supporting each party’s autonomy while encouraging mutuality;
- Understanding fully each party’s point of view while remaining neutral;
- Dealing with conflict by enhancing understanding;
- Employing analytic skills in clarifying issues and goals;
- Integrating the law;
- Generating bases for decision other than law;
- Developing creative options that address differing needs and interests;
The learning addresses the practical, theoretical and personal dimensions of integrating an understanding based perspective into your practice. Training at the Center combines presentations, teacher demonstrations, case simulations and discussions. Concise briefings introducing the five stage model and tools of the Understanding Based Approach alternate with demonstrations and role-plays designed to immerse the participants in the mediation process. Central to the learning are real to life simulations in which the participants work through mediations from beginning to end. Each participant has the opportunity to role-play, in turn, mediator and party. They have a chance to apply the concepts and skills introduced in the briefings, and to experience the emotional challenges faced by parties in dispute. Participants have described these different modes of learning and their interplay as enjoyable as they are engaging and rewarding.
“Exceeded my expectations 1,000 fold. Well organized. Clear teaching and facilitation. Clear materials. So much information for such a short period of time.”
“Very heartfelt as well as well-designed and amazing content. I can feel how much time, hope and love goes into preparing to teach this class.”
Please see below for additional quotes by participants.
The program is open to attorneys as well as other professionals working to integrate the principles of mediation into their practice. For continuing legal education purposes, the Mediation Intensive Training is appropriate for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys.
The Center for Understanding in Conflict, as the Center for Mediation in Law, has been certified as follows:
- In New York, as an Accredited Provider of Continuing Legal Education in the State of New York by the New York State Continuing Legal Education Board. The Mediation Intensive Training will fulfill 40 NY MCLE credit hours (6.5 Ethics credits; 19.5 Professional Practice credits; and 14 Skills credits).
- In California, as a continuing legal education provider of Minimum Continuing Legal Education by the State Bar of California. The Mediation Intensive Training will qualify for MCLE credit in the amount of 40 hours (8 hours Legal Ethics; 1 hour Law Practice Management; and 1 hour Elimination of Bias).
The program fee is $1,350. An early bird discount of $100 applies if you register 30 days prior to a program. A deposit of $400.00 is necessary to secure your registration. Please note that you will be billed separately for lodging and meals.
The Mediation Intensive Trainings are conducted in Northern California and New York, at residential conference/retreat centers. We recommend you stay at the facility to maximize your learning.
New York site: Bailey Farms, 45 minutes north of New York City in Westchester County. Lodging and meals are an additional $530 (shared accommodations). The commuter fee (meals included) is $300. Single rooms, if available, are $780. Room preferences are to be indicated in the process of registering for the program, as indicated below. For questions about the program and the registration process, please contact: [email protected]. For general information about the Bailey Farms retreat and conference center, please visit
The trainings begin on Wednesday afternoon at 2:30pm through 9:00pm. Thursday, Friday and Saturday the sessions run from 9am – 9pm (with ample breaks for meals and rest). The program wraps up on Sunday with a session from 9am – 12noon.
Either download and print the Mail-In Registration Form or fill out the form below to register online.
Participants will be accepted in order of registration. We will confirm your reservation as soon as you are placed in the program. Class sizes are limited to facilitate individual learning. Due to the interdependent nature of learning, attendance at the entire program is necessary.
“Excellent, and it surpassed my expectations. The instructors, across-the-board, were masterful. Through their personalities and the depth of their knowledge, they made an intensive program flow smoothly and effectively. The use of the word ‘intensive’ was certainly appropriate. Yet I found it effective in assisting me in not only understanding, but also in internalizing the methodology.”
Andrew Zwerling, Senior Litigation Partner, Arbitrator, Mediator, Garfunkel Wild, P.C., Great Neck, New York
“I would go as far as to say that it was a life-changing experience. It was probably because of where I am in life, but more than that, it was the care and knowledge the trainers showed throughout the training that made this experience so transformative. Pedagogically, the training was excellent. In addition, the participants were some of the most engaged, passionate, and interesting people I have ever met. The well-organized material was incredibly useful and the philosophy of mediation, extremely moving. You have and everyone has given me an enormous gift.”
– Yuko Uchikawa, Mediator Brooklyn, NY
“I can’t say enough good things about this program. Jack and Katherine led a program that I believe not only enhanced my ability to help parties through conflict, but also encouraged personal reflection and opened participants to the possibilities of transforming, bit by bit, our broken formal dispute resolution system.I thought the program was extremely well-considered and organized; the instructors were first rate, as were my fellow participants.”
Allen A. Drexel, Family Lawyer and Mediator, Drexel Grande LLC
“Having had well over 100 hours of previous training, I feared this program might cover too much familiar ground. Those fears vanished within the first 20 minutes and were replaced with the thrill of discovering a richer, deeper mode of mediating. While a great and challenging introduction to ‘understanding’ mediation, I recommend this course to even the most seasoned mediators. It will reinvigorate and inspire you. Fantastic. Well organized. Stimulating. Provocative.”
Steven M. Rabinowitz, Mediator/Lawyer Pryor Cashman LLP, NYC.
“This training helped me integrate knowledge, emotions and a spiritual dimension into my work as a collaborative lawyer and mediator. I can now approach my work with greater authenticity and an open heart.”
Mariette Geldenhuys, Collaborative Attorney and Mediator, Ithaca, New York