Gary Friedman and Jack Himmelstein will be presenting a series of lectures, trainings and supervisions in Italy and Germany in November, 2010.
In Florence, Italy — November 16-19.
How to Deal with Conflict through Understanding rather than through Power–November 16;
Challenges and Possibilities for Collaborative Practice on November 17th, 2010–November 17; and
Un Nuovo Modello Di Mediazione (A New Model of Mediation: “Understanding-Based Mediation”) on November 19, 2010 at Florence State University, in Florence, Italy.
In Germany — November 11-14
Gary Friedman will be presenting a Supervision for Judge Mediators in Celle, November 11.
Gary Friedman will be presenting a Supervision for Practicing Mediators with Lis Ripke in Heidelberg, Germany, on November 13, 2010.
Jack Himmelstein will be doing an Advanced Seminar with Freya Entringer in Erkner (near Berlin) Germany from November 12-14, 2010.
Jack Himmelstein will be presenting an advanced Training for Practicing Judge Mediators in Berlin, November 15.
Please send us an email at [email protected] if you wish more information.