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Intimate Partner Violence and Consensual Dispute Resolution
August 25, 2021 at 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm PDT
A recording of this webinar is available for purchase in our store.
Domestic violence (DV) is prevalent and gendered. It is a pattern of power and control over a person exercised through manipulation, isolation, coercion/threats, and intimidation. In cases involving DV, mediation does not work and can even be unsafe and harmful. In this webinar, we’ll dive into what domestic violence is and explore how mediators can assess parties’ dynamics when screening for domestic violence. We’ll also discuss the dangers of mediating the wrong case and why making DV screening ubiquitous in mediation is so important.
By attending this webinar, you will:
- Learn about the pattern of power and control and the various ways of control
- Have tools to improve how you screen for DV in your mediation cases
- Have a better understanding of assessing the risks of mediation in cases involving DV
Before becoming a mediator in 2009, Antoinette Delruelle represented victims of domestic violence in family cases and divorces for 18 years at the New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG), a NYC free legal services organization. In 2013, she started the Mediation Project at NYLAG and has been providing free divorce mediation services since then. She has taught mediation to legal services attorneys and court staff professionals and has participated as a teaching assistant at mediation trainings of the Center for Understanding in Conflict. She mediates divorces for the Supreme Court Pilot Mediation Programs of Brooklyn, Manhattan and Queens and for the NYC Family Court Mediation Program. She was the president of the Family and Divorce Mediation Council of Greater New York from 2014 to 2016 and is currently on the board of the Center for Understanding in Conflict. She is a member of the state-wide ADR Advisory Committee formed by Chief Judge DiFiore in April 2018 to give her recommendations on how to increase the use of ADR in the NYS court system.
Katherine Eisold Miller is a Collaborative Lawyer and mediator with a practice located in Westchester County NY and New York City. Katherine is immediate past president of the Center for Understanding in Conflict, as well as the New York Association of Collaborative Professionals. Katherine is author of the New Yorker’s Guide to Collaborative Divorce (2015) and co-Author of the #1 Amazon bestseller A Cup of Coffee with 10 of the Top Divorce Attorneys in the United States (2014).