24-Hour Basic Mediation Training (East Coast)
June 23 at 3:00 pm - June 26 at 12:00 pm EDT
$500.00 – $1,995.00
To register, scroll to the bottom of this page.
June 23 – 26, 2024
Milanville, PA
Join the Center for Understanding in Conflict for a comprehensive 24-hour Basic Mediation Training covering basic theory and skills of understanding-based mediation in a dynamic and engaging learning environment.
This certificate program teaches individuals the basic theories and practical skills needed to help people in conflict. Participants will learn to deescalate unproductive arguments and conflict dynamics and guide parties and lawyers involved toward positive discussions and effective decision-making. The training also covers how law and lawyers play a part in mediation, preparing participants to mediate conflicts in various settings including private contexts, court-referred cases, and community disputes.
Upon completing this training, participants will have completed the requirements for a Basic Mediation Training of Part 146 of the NYS Rules of the Chief Administrator of the Courts (“Part 146”) and be eligible any part 146 advanced mediation training, including the 16-hour Advanced Matrimonial Mediation Training course of June 26-28, 2025. Together these two programs qualify participants for both a Part 146 Basic and Advanced Matrimonial trainings.
Our trainers have designed this program to benefit those who wish to apply to be mediators on NYS court rosters. However, it is appropriate and applicable for professionals of all disciplines, including jurists, lawyers, collaborative professionals, business consultants, executive coaches, managers and supervisors, human resources professionals, ombuds-people, non-profit staff, and other people whose work will be enhanced by increased skills in conflict resolution.
Core Concepts
In this 24-hour program, adapted from our gold standard mediation training, you will learn how to support parties working through conflict or engaging in other important conversations in a different way. Our Understanding-Based model focuses on guiding parties to make knowing and informed choices together in a respectful manner. Highlights include:
- Positive neutrality –supporting all parties without taking sides.
- The Loop of Understanding – enhancing understanding and empathy.
- Creative Options — innovating to meet differing needs and interests.
- A Foundation for the Future — building the groundwork for the parties to make effective and lasting decisions together now and in the future.
What is the Format of this Training?
This hands-on in person training features briefings on the core skills of the Understanding Based Approach, followed by lively demonstrations and role-plays, all of which immerse participants in the learning. Realistic simulations, in which participants work through mediations from beginning to end, with coaching from our teachers, offer participants the chance to hone their skills and experience the emotional challenges faced by parties in dispute. Participants describe these different modes of learning and their interplay as enjoyable as they are engaging and rewarding.
The training begins on the afternoon of Monday, June 23, 2025, at 3:00 pm through 8:00 pm. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the sessions run 9:00 am through 8:00 pm, with ample breaks for meals and rest. The program ends on Thursday, June 26, 2025, with a session from 9:00am – 12:00pm. All participants will enjoy delicious meals during the sessions from Monday through Thursday.
Who Can Participate?
This basic training is open to anyone whose work involves conflict and will be particularly interesting to lawyers who wish to apply to be on the mediator court rosters for divorce and family work.
Highlights Foundation Retreat Center, 392 Boyds Mills Road, Milanville, PA 18443, (570) 253-1192
The Highlights Foundation Retreat Center is located in Northeastern Pennsylvania, on the traditional lands of the Lenape Nation. The property is tucked in the foothills of the Pocono Mountains, situated a couple of hours away from both NYC and Philadelphia. It is rich in family and Highlights history, and it’s a wonderful place that feeds the mind, body, and creative souls of those who visit.
The Highlights Foundation still calls the Barn & Retreat Center at Boyds Mills home, but has expanded use of the grounds in order to support the organization’s goals.
The program training fee is $1200 plus a fee for the facility, lodging, and meals as follows. Note that all rooms contain a private bathroom.
Private room: $795 for a total of $1,995.
Shared double room: $595 for a total of $1,595.
Commuter for those not staying at Highlights: $495, for a total of $1,495.
*Financial aid may be available for training fees. Please contact us at [email protected] for details or for any questions regarding logistics.
**Those who register for the 16-hour Advanced Matrimonial Mediation Training course in May, 2024 are also eligible to receive a 10% training fee discount, in addition to a 40-hour Mediation Training Certificate. Please contact [email protected] if this applies to you.
***The maximum discount available from all sources is 10% of the training fee.
Who Are the Trainers?*
Antoinette Delruelle has been a mediator since 2009 and an attorney since 1994. Before starting the Mediation Project at the New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG) in 2013, she represented survivors of domestic violence in divorces and family cases for eighteen years and has taught mediation to legal services attorneys and NYS court staff and mediates divorces, parenting, and child permanency cases for New York City’s five borough courts. Antoinette was president of the Family and Divorce Mediation Council of Greater New York from 2014 to2016 and is on the Center for Understanding in Conflict board. She is a member of the statewide ADR Advisory Committee formed by former Chief Judge DiFiore in April 2018 to give recommendations on how to increase the use of ADR in the NYS court system.
Katherine Eisold Miller is an attorney practicing mediation and collaborative practice in Westchester County, NY. She has been practicing family law since 1987, first as a litigator and now exclusively outside the court system. She has taught family law at the White Institute and NYU as well as with the Center and lectures regularly on mediation and collaborative practice. She is a Board member of the New York Association of Collaborative Professionals.
Michelle Exline Minovi is a highly skilled divorce and family mediator with 12+ years family law experience. As Managing Attorney at the legal services non-profit Ayuda in Washington, D.C., Michelle represented low-income and Spanish-speaking immigrant clients in complex matrimonial cases in the context of domestic violence. After moving to Brooklyn, Michelle litigated and won sole custody on behalf of a mother of two children who was forced to leave the ultra-orthodox community because she identified as queer. After three years of intense litigation, Michelle wondered if there was an alternative way to divorce. Michelle knew she had to pivot from litigation to mediation when she took her first mediation training at the Center for Understanding Conflict.
Is there Continuing Education Credit? Is the training Part 146 approved?
New York
Attending the Basic Mediation Training will provide attorneys with 27 NY CLE credit hours (1 Diversity Inclusion and Elimination of Bias credit; 3 Ethics credits; 13 Professional Practice credits; and 10 Skills credits). For continuing legal education purposes, the Basic Mediation Training is appropriate for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys.
Also, the Basic Mediation Training is approved by the NYS Unified Court System as meeting the Part 146 requirements for 24h Basic (also called Initial) Mediation Training, required by the courts to apply to become a mediator on a court roster. * It enables the participants to attend any 16H advanced training under Part 146, including the Advanced Matrimonial Mediation Training given by the Center for Understanding in Conflict immediately after, from June 26 to June 28, 2025. (Please note that final placement on any court roster is at the discretion of the local Administrative Judge and participation in a course that is either approved or pending approval does not guarantee placement on a local court roster.)
Cancellation Policy
Please note our cancellation policy: If you cancel 4 weeks or more prior to the program, we return your deposit minus a $250.00 administration fee. Between 4 and 2 weeks prior to the program, we retain 50% of the total cost of the program unless we are able to find a replacement for your seat, in which case we will refund the fee minus the $250.00 administration fee. There are no refunds for cancellations less than two weeks prior to the program unless we can find a replacement.
For additional information, please email us at [email protected] or call us at (844) 242-3428.
[1] Final placement on any court roster is at the discretion of the local Administrative Judge and participation in a course that is approved does not guarantee placement on a local court roster. Pursuant to Part 146, court-based mediation rosters require both a combination of mediation training and experience mediating. Acceptance on court rosters depends on a court’s need for mediators at any given time and may include a court’s need for mediators with specific case-type training or experience and mediation experience.
Photo and Video Notice
We’re excited to have you at our training event! Please note that we may be taking photos and videos to capture the wonderful moments and share them in our promotional materials, including social media, websites, and brochures. If you prefer not to be photographed or recorded, just let one of our friendly organizers or trainers know. We’ll be happy to respect your wishes and ensure your privacy.
For additional information, please email us at [email protected].
*Please note that trainers are subject to availability and may change prior to program start without notice.
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