Inside Out: Self-Reflection for Conflict Professionals Intensive (“SCPI”) is a unique program of The Center for Understanding in Conflict to teach conflict professionals how to use self-reflection to help their clients.

When working with parties in conflict, the turmoil and tension in the room impact the professional and clients. The SCPI program focuses on teaching conflict professionals to access their inner lives in ways that are constructive for the professionals and productive for their clients.

We learn together about connecting with our deeper impulses that fuel our commitment to working with people in conflict – such as compassion and the search for greater self and mutual understanding.

We learn about dealing with barriers to understanding, such as judgment, anger, and the desire for control – and how to recognize and work with those barriers to bring us closer to ourselves and our clients.

Our program includes:

∙ Instruction and practice in self reflection and journaling

∙ Discussion about how to integrate the inner experience and outer action

∙ Exploration of the use of SCPI concepts and skills by using actual experiences of the participants

∙ Peer support through buddy relationships

∙ Connections to a worldwide SCPI community

SCPI Activities

Beginning Series:

The series typically includes an initial all day meeting, interim shorter monthly meetings, and a final all day meeting.  Depending upon interest, we offer a video conferencing option for the monthly meetings. 

Seasoned SCPIs Classes/Retreats:

We offer 1-2 day classes and longer retreats for people who have attended a previous SCPI training.  Click here for information about trainings.

Online Video Conferencing Groups:

For people who cannot attend our in person trainings, we coordinate setting up groups for online class meetings by video conferencing.  Call us at (844) 242-3428 or email [email protected] for more information.

Peer Group Consulting:

We are available for consulting support and/or occasional teaching by video conferencing for people who wish to establish peer SCPI groups.  Call us at (844) 242-3428 or email [email protected] for more information.

Online Quarterly Meetings:

We host a quarterly online video community meeting of our SCPI teachers and participants to connect and explore all things SCPI.


We send a monthly newsletter to the SCPI community with self reflection ideas, articles, and upcoming events.  After you attend a SCPI training, we will send you a link to sign up for our SCPI newsletter.


About SCPI


inside_outSCPI classes are led by a combination of mediator-lawyers and Zen priests from Everyday Zen. We have found this mix of professions brings a deeper and stronger understanding to accessing our inner lives when working with people in conflict.

Read Gary Friedman’s Book Inside Out: How Conflict Professionals Can Use Self-Reflection to Help Their Clients to learn more. 




Catherine Conner

Norman Fischer

Chris Fortin

Gary Friedman

Jack Himmelstein

Katherine Miller